Software Testing

We use a simple to implement, Selenium/C# based, automated testing framework to run all of our tests. Testing is typically run daily in either a customer's Continuous Integration environment or Validation One's (depending on customer requirements). Every screen, every button, and every piece of text in your application or website rigorously tested and vetted to ensure that your end users receive only the highest quality product. No stone is left unturned, and if there are bugs, we WILL find them before your customers ever do.

Automated Testing

The same, rigorous, automated test code we create is easily ported over to our client's environments! With  extremely maintainable and scalable code, a team of manual testers at a client site can be replaced with just one or two individuals. When a client chooses to implement our automated code into their process, we are available to train individuals at our client's company and provide documentation necessary to take them from layman to expert in a matter of days. If our client's refuse to lose our expertise, we are more than willing to maintain and update code and test cases as product demands change. We deeply understand the risks bugs and product regressions can cost our clients and nothing helps guarantee extreme reliability and durability quite like daily regression testing at the push of a button.

Test Case Creation

Sometimes our clients just want a good, old fashioned, set of concrete test cases. Not a problem, Validation One specializes in test case creation as well! If a client wants us to bolster an already existing QA team or supplement our automated testing with a backup strategy of a master test document, Validation One is ready to deliver. Each test step is carefully crafted so that even the most junior of technicians will be able to follow and execute your testing needs. We clearly spell out test assumptions, risks, setup, and include detailed results expectations for each test in addition to the steps described.


Saving you money

Because our lead engineers are based in the United States and our test engineers are located in Eastern Europe our significant cost savings are passed onto our clients.

Doubling headcount or halving your budget

We firmly stand our ground and commit to delivering more engineering hours for the same budget your company currently spends or replacing your current efforts to truly bring your bottom line down to phenomenal savings.


Let's talk

If your company is ready to save significantly more off your QA budget and drastically increase your engineering might, we stand ready. Send us an email and we can begin the process right away!